Babies and toddlers here spend their days immersed in nature in our large garden: pottering in the mud kitchen, helping to feed our flock of hens or running a make-believe florist’s shop.
Being on the edge of the South Downs National Park we are surrounded by wonderful countryside to explore, including a nature reserve directly accessible from our garden.

Barn Cottage is a real family home - comfortable, welcoming and beautiful. Although we spend lots of time outdoors, the house provides a warm haven for babies and children who feel like having an ‘inside day’.
Our light and airy playroom is equipped with treasure baskets, musical instruments and toys designed to encourage open-ended play. Cuddles are plentiful and there are plenty of cosy spots to snuggle up for a story.

Home-cooked food
The children are served healthy snacks and a home-cooked lunch, made from organic and locally-sourced ingredients. Sometimes this includes eggs from our hens and vegetables and herbs from our kitchen garden, all harvested by the children.
Meals are eaten together family-style around our large farmhouse table.
We can adapt to most dietary requirements.

Children at Barn Cottage nap outdoors, lulled to sleep by birdsong and the rustle of wind through the trees. After seeing how al fresco naps helped her own children to develop healthy sleep habits, Hannah decided to provide this option to parents.
The children sleep in lie-flat pushchairs, tucked up cosily with thermal blankets in cool weather and carefully shaded on warm days.
More on outside napping.
Find US
Barn Cottage, London Road, Coldwaltham, Pulborough, RH20 1LQ
Visits by appointment only
07787 985367
07875 660119